Peaceful Parenting
Today, more than ever, our children need us to be their safe-harbour, knowing they can trust us to support them through the ups and downs of life, we ‘show up’ when connection and relationship is at the heart of the parent/child dynamic.
How we show up for our kids takes on an even deeper meaning when we grasp the incredible lifelong impact connection and relationship has on the developing brain, mind and well-being of a child.
One of the biggest myths of parenting is that it “comes naturally.” But what actually comes naturally is affected by the way we were parented. Peaceful parenting is not a set of tools and exercises that seeks to change your children. It a passionate belief in the power of the parent to shape children that are emotionally intelligent and resilient human beings. “Able to see and experience the world as a place that can be understood, and meaningfully interacted with, even in times of pain and trouble.” (Professor Dan Siegel)
Peaceful Parents are not passive, they set boundaries, and have expectations of their children’s behavior. The difference is the tools of manipulation, shame, punishment and threats to instill life lessons in our children are replaced with a language of curiosity and calm that uncovers and informs you in the testing moments. The practice of ‘showing up’ for ourselves is how we parent with integrity and hold our space as the safe harbour. Peaceful parenting is a journey, not a destination, but the most worthwhile one to take.
The 12 week Process
- Module 1: Welcome and Orientation
- Module 2: Setting Your Intentions as an Empowered Parent
- Module 3: The 10 Pillars of Transformational Parenting
- Module 4: Making Sense of Attachment Science
- Module 5: Making Sense of Nervous System Science
- Module 6: Making Sense of Mindsight and Brain Science
- Module 7: Making Sense of Emotional Intelligence
- Module 8: Empowered Conversations
- Module 9: The PEACE Process
- Module 10: Exploring Anger and Healthy Aggression
- Module 11: Playful Parenting and Storytelling
- Module 12: Your Personal Transformation