On line Coaching Sessions:

We start with an introductory phone call where I answer any questions you may have and we agree on a time and schedule to work through the 12 modules. You will receive supporting information and workbook material before each skype session. The calls are led by your parenting experiences and the aha moments you have during the readings and workbook. Online sessions are available nationwide.

$660.00 paid in full up front or three payments of $220.00

Small Group Sessions:

This is a face-to-face small group process for four to five parents. Ideal for a whanau group, foster parents, church group, co-parenting, play center / childcare teachers.

Sessions run for one and half hours, weekly or fortnightly. Available in the New Plymouth area including to Opunake, Waitara and Inglewood.

$360 paid in full up front / Three payments of $120.00